House Blessings

The Blessing of a Home

God bless this home copyWhen we move into a new house or a flat we quite naturally want the place to feel a home – a place in which we can be fully ourselves and to which we can return for an oasis of rest and calm – perhaps at the end of a busy day.

One of the ways which may assist in this important transformation being made is by having the property blessed.  

At Emmanuel the clergy are always delighted to come to your home if you are member of Emmanuel Church or live within our parish boundaries and to ask God’s abundant blessing on each room, sprinkling them with holy water and praying that the home may be a place of peace, welcome and hospitality.

If you would like Mother Annette or one of the other Emmanuel clergy to come to you home and to ask God’s blessing on it, please do not hesitate to be in touch with us through the “contact us” section of this website or by speaking to us after one of the Eucharists in Church.

Peace be to this house and all who dwell in it.

Lord God, holy, blessed and glorious Trinity

bless hallow and sanctify this house

that in it there may be joy and gladness

peace and love, health and goodness,

and thanksgiving always to you,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit;

and let your blessing rest upon this home

and those who dwell in it,

now and for ever.

To God alone be glory for ever and ever.


May Christ always be here with you.

May he share in your joys,

and comfort you in your sorrows.

May he inspire and help you

to make your home

a dwelling place of love,

offering the kindly hospitality of God.
