Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10)

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (The prophecy of Micah 6:8)

“The glory of God is a human being fully alive, and human life consists in the vision of God” (St Irenaeus – 2nd century)

“Your ordinary acts of hope and love point to the extraordinary promise that every human life is of inestimable value.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931-2021)

A very warm welcome to the website of Emmanuel Church, West Hampstead, an inclusive community in the catholic tradition of the Church of England, in the Diocese of London and within the Deanery and Borough of Camden.  We are glad to be part of the Inclusive Church network.

Emmanuel Church has stood as a beacon of God’s love and light in its prominent position alongside West End since 1897.  As a church community we would see ourselves as generously orthodox, rooted in the liberating life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and everyone is warmly welcome at all our services and activities, irrespective of race, age, gender identity, physical ability, sexual orientation or way of life.  We rejoice in the great and wonderful diversity of God’s creation and we recognise and celebrate the beauty of God’s image uniquely revealed in one another.

Thank you for connecting with us online.  We very much hope that you will come back soon and visit us in person.

We are always grateful for volunteers who can help our church and the wider community. Please find current opportunities to volunteer at Emmanuel at SignUps by clicking the button below. Thank you!

Click to View Our SignUps on SignUp

Emmanuel Church is entirely self-funded and so we are always grateful for any donations you can make. The best way to donate on line is via the Parish Giving Scheme (which also supports regular monthly donations and GitfAid). Many thanks.


8:00 Holy Eucharist – a quiet, said Eucharist to begin the Lord’s Day 

9:15  Joyful Noise Eucharist – a service with with young children in mind.

10:30 Sung Eucharist – our more traditional celebration of the Eucharist with reflective preaching, choral music and incense. During term time our Sunday School operates in the Charles Wood Room.

Please click HERE for the list of all services and prayers during the week